Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hospitals agree the Medicaid program is severely flawed. However...

On Monday, July 9, 2012, Texas Insider published an article titled “Hospitals agree the Medicaid program is severely flawed. However…” The article points out that both hospitals and Governor Rick Perry agree that there is something wrong with the Medicaid system. Even though the Governor has stated there is a major problem with Medicaid since many people in Texas are uninsured, Perry also “made clear his opposition to…the expansion of Medicaid” due to financial reasons. This illustrates that not just Medicaid, but politics in general is blemished. This is because Perry acknowledges that there is a problem, but does not actually try to resolve the issue. Furthermore, the title of this aritcle has “However…,” illustrating that even though politicians are very aware the Medicaid program is flawed, and know that something needs to be done to fix it, no actions are being taken. Overall, this article exemplifies that whether a person considers themselves conservatives, republicans, or something else, there will always be some type of flawed structure within the government. 

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