Thursday, August 16, 2012

Jackie Mays - Texas Meningitis Vaccine

Jackie Mays makes an interesting point about the required Texas Meningitis Vaccine taking away people’s rights and freedoms. I have always gone with the rhythm and gotten my vaccine every year without thinking that other people may have an issue with it. I concur with Jackie in that some people might argue the rule requiring people to get the shot is taking away their freedom. Unfortunately, I strongly believe the shot is absolutely necessary and is very important – since it after all keeps people from getting sick. Although Jackie makes a good point saying that there are other diseases that we are not required getting a vaccine for, I still think the Meningitis Vaccine is necessary and the rule should not be taken away. The fact that there are other diseases that do not require a vaccination shows that health consultants consider Meningitis a serious disease that can do major damage and should therefore have a required vaccination. 

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